Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Classes at Hobby Lobby

Starting in March 2010, I will be teaching classes at:

Hobby Lobby
7645 West Bell Road
Peoria, AZ 85382
(623) 412-4291

Here is the schedule:

Jewelry classes by Lauren LeClair:
Earrings - $10
Create your own pair of dazzling Swarovski crystal earrings, in your choice of colors! Learn to make wire loops, how to use headpins, and more. Plus cost of materials.

Learning Jewelry Tools - $10
Create a fantastic charm bracelet entirely of your own design, while learning the basics of jewelry making. Learn what tools are necessary for jewelry creations, and how to make them work for you. Plus varied cost of materials.

Glass Tile Pendant - $15
Includes price of glass tile. Create a unique and beautiful bracelet, necklace, or keychain using a 1x1” glass tile and scrapbooking paper.Plus varied cost of materials.

Bracelet – Learning to use a crimping tool - $10
Create a simple but darling single-strand bracelet using Swarovski crystals and seed beads. Learn to use a crimping tool for creating jewelry strung on flexible wire. Plus cost of materials.

All supplies necessary can be purchased at Hobby Lobby, and guided time during each class will be provided to complete purchases.
A single set of tools will be provided to share with entire class. However, it is suggested that you supply your own tools. Tools are available for purchase at Hobby Lobby.

If you wish to attend, you MUST sign up by either visiting the Hobby Lobby location and physically writing down that you will attend, or you may Email or call me.
Payments will be due at beginning of class. You may pay with cash, check, or money order.
If you wish to pay by Paypal using a credit card, please contact me for arrangements.

Please note: Due to Hobby Lobby's classroom rules, an attendance of 4 students is necessary for a class to take place. To ensure proper amount of students, please be sure to invite friends and family along if you feel they would be interested.
If the necessary amount of students are not signed up, you will be contacted and the class will be rescheduled.

Please, if you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me:
Lauren LeClair

Thank you, and I look forward to meeting you all!

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